Archiv für den Tag: 16. Januar 2012

Taipeh: Einladung zum 15. TICCIH-Kongress im November 2012 in Taiwan

Auf der Tagungs-Website heißt es weiter:

We welcome you to join the XVth International TICCIH Congress 2012 in Taipei. This first TICCIH Congress in Asia is a milestone for the conservation of industrial heritage in this region and it corresponds with the aim of ‘The World Heritage List – filling the gaps, an action plan for the future’ from ICOMOS.

The International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) is the most influential organization in this field. We expect that this significant international event will provide a platform for further communications on the professional knowledge and experiences of a range of practitioners. It should facilitate communications among all domestic institutes that are involved in this field, as well as enhance interactions with the relevant international organizations.

Alongside the congress, we will also offer an exhibition concerning cultural tourism aimed at world industrial heritage. Both the congress and exhibition will provide an excellent opportunity for scholars, specialists and students from different regions to gain a better understanding of the current status of industrial and cultural heritage in the world.

Zur Kongress-Homepage

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